Unfair COP
The Conference of the Parties (COP) has been criss-crossing the world on a never-ending jamboree of virtue-signalling for the last three decades
China’s urban dilemmas
For 40 years, China has been urbanizing in order to accommodate its growing population often with scant regard to the finer points of urban design.
Housing: Where Will We All Live?
While the construction industry tries to deal with its economic problems by redundancies and bankruptcies; the big new stupid idea in architecture schools is “degrowth.”
Stay home, Don’t move, Save lives!
Chief Medical Officer, Sir Chris Whitty is senior advisor to the government’s “walking, wheeling and cycling” Active Travel strategy.
Liberty has its Limits
To claim freedoms we must use those freedoms with judgement, foresight, and awareness about the consequences of our actions for others.
A Call to Courage!
A cautionary tale, that reveals the defeatism, bordering on nihilism, that is prevalent in many European societies.
Not your prince?
Although the nationalist’s share of the vote has decreased over the past ten years, nationalism-lite now has a secure place in Wales’ media and our education system.
Now Is Good
Tim Firth’s first ever musical comedy, “Now is Good” is an original piece of writing that surprises at every turn.
Shanghai Lockdown: A photo-diary
These evocative photos by Zhu Runzi conjure up how Shanghai has changed from one of the world’s most dynamic cities into a ghost-town.
Most interesting reads from 2021
A few of the recommended readings from the Future Cities Project in 2021