Risk and the construction industry
Understandably, Health and Safety has been a major concern for workers, unions and health and safety organisations for many years. However, in the age of coronavirus there is a growing perception that all jobs must be “safe”.
The joy of gambling – the bit that is missed by the puritans – is that it is a social activity. Gambling by yourself on a mobile phone has its appeal, but it is no replacement for having a bet with others.
Down and Out in Manchester
“Homelessness is a problem all around the world. Through my lens and this mini-series of images, I wanted to expose a human situation that is both local and global; human and troubling”. – Zhu Runzi
Chernobyl Fallout
The virus thrives on the essential elements of social life, such as the need to socialise, the importance of proximity, or the desire to comfort. To defeat the virus, we are told that we have to become reclusive.
Stay safe but remain sceptical
Regardless of the UK government’s twelfth-hour assurance that these new powers will be reviewed every six months, a potentially worrying precedent may have already been set.
Bridging the Political Divide
Two years ago, in a national newspaper, achitect Alan Dunlop mooted the possibility of a bridge linking Scotland to Northern Ireland: Portpatrick to Larne, or the Mull of Kintyre to Torr Head.
Post-Brexit (de)regulation
Fewer, simpler or looser standards doesn’t necessarily mean more cavalier, indeed it ought to mean that we could propose more efficient and thorough standards and regulation. Setting national standards in a global context should be liberating.
The recent outbreak of coronavirus in the central city of Wuhan has created something resembling mass hysteria in the newsrooms of Western broadcast journalism This article explores some of the myths and realities.
Write 100 lines: “We aren’t going to die”
If I were your child’s teacher, I would not fill their heads with nonsense that says that the world is about to end. The Children Act 1989 provides that teachers have a duty of care towards the children under their supervision.
Generation Wars
On Friday 20th September, I joined the children, parents and teachers gathering in Manchester for the Climate Strike where Mayor Burnham proudly announced: “Our generation has failed you. I’m not arguing with you. We are giving you your voice and power.”