Book Bites: Paul Morland’s “The Human Tide”
Once the Malthusian link is broken and enough food and liberating technology is available, progress begins to feed through to the general population.
A Declaration you MUST sign… or else!
One of the key climate protest organisations recently revealed that “Populations covered by jurisdictions that have declared a climate emergency amount to 141 million citizens, with 43 million of these living in the United Kingdom.
Milton’s Paradise Regained
If we are to build a new city, then Milton Keynes represents the experiential cornerstone. It symbolises the kind of bold, creative masterplanning that we desperately need but haven’t seen the like of since those crazy days of the 1960s.
Extinction Rebellion – the new Millenarian Cult
Shouting: “The End of the World is Nigh” used to be the preserve of eccentric elderly doomsayers with sandwich-boards. Cue David Attenborough. But it is depressing that so many young people have accepted the baseless assertion.
China’s environmental transformation
“The environment” has long exercised the minds of the Chinese government. It was one of the first developing nations to introduce sustainable development on a national and regional policy level and it rewrote its Constitution way back in 1982 – five years before the Brundtland Report – pledging to “protect the environment”.
What if Architects became Developers?
Matt Bloomfield discovers that Roger Zogolovitch writes as well as he builds, but notes that good housing doesn’t come cheap. Zogolovitch, R. (2015) Shouldn’t we all be developers? Artifice Books Electioneering at the start of summer 2015 has brought the issue of housing shortages out of the architectural press and into the mainstream. The major parties promised that they would oversee the creation of two or three hundred...
Tianjin in perspective
by Austin Williams | 19 August 2015 “Disasters on the scale of (this) tragic explosion … tend to provoke a brief wave of statements that such things must never happen again. With the passage of time these sentiments are diluted into bland reports about human error and everything being well under control… (but), there is a real chance that the death toll could trigger meaningful changes in a neglected aspect of...
The Right Time for the Night Time
Alan D Miller | 26 May 2016 The Night Time industries are vital to Britain’s future both culturally and economically. Now that the dust has settled after the General Elections, it is worth reminding everyone that said they are “pro business” and particularly intere ted in the employment of young people as well as small businesses that there is an enormous success story in our capitaland across Britain that is...
Film Review: ‘City Visions’ #5
Steve Nash | 2 October 2014 Megacities – Twelve Stories of Survival. Dir. Michael Glawogger, 1998 This film is a tour de force. Part documentary and part fictionalised account of the lives of those fighting to get by in the megacities of Mumbai, Mexico City, New York and Moscow, it is also a visual poem with a dream like qualitywhose images are intended to stay with the viewer for a long time. It is now part of the legacy of the work...
Film Review: ‘City Visions’ #4
Martin Earnshaw | 9 October 2014 Ecumenopolis: City without Limits, Dir. Imre Azem, 2012 When we think of a World City we think of a globalised hub like London where people from all over the world come to live, work or study. An Ecumenopolis gives the concept of the World City a differentmeaning. Although the term was coined in the 1960’s as an extrapolation of the rapid growth of cities, the idea of a city expanding to cover an...