The Coming of Neo-Feudalism, by Joel Kotkin
A new priesthood of power based on scientific expertise seeks to replace bourgeois values of self-determination, family, community and nation with ‘progressive’ ideas: globalisation, sustainability, redefined gender roles and the authority of experts.
The Queen’s Gambit
Chess players, mathematicians, physicists, scientists, etc are not automatons; mechanical, calculating machines devoid of any creativity but in fact, they are supremely alert to creative possibilities.
The myth of Britain’s racist universities
Today’s approach to to racial equality in eduction, grounded in Critical Race Theory, promotes division, shuts down debate, and ignores real drivers of inequality.
Samuel Paty, 1973-2020
This is a short statement in memory of Samuel Paty, the teacher who was brutally murdered on the outskirts of Paris on 16 October 2020.
Getting one over Parr
Martin Parr may not be your very British cup-of-tea but he surely doesn’t deserve to be the subject of a campaign that has led to his abject apology and resignation.
Book Bites: Philosophy of Architecture by Illies & Ray
A useful toolkit of architectural philosophy, focusing on ethics and aesthetics and taking a neutral stance… acting as a series of clarifications and questions rather than ready-made answers.
For Whom The School Bell Tolls
“Who should the school governor listen to if they get conflicting information? The Local Authority or the government?”
Answers came there none…
Working Practices: East v West
The efficiency drive in China means that architects and construction workers have to work very hard to meet deadlines and it is very difficult to keep a work-life balance. In the west, this is often all architects talk about.
Identity Politics ain’t Liberal
“Common cause” is not going to work if we have to morally browbeat people into supporting the uncommon interests of oppressed minority-groups. The question is, what unites us?
The RIBA Plan of Work
… has been a useful guide in steering the profession to provide clear, accurate and timely advice. The new version is more driven by external political events, rather than the independent practical concerns of the profession.