Review: “The Power if Nuclear” by Marco Visscher
In this important book, Marco Visscher shows how knee-jerk reactions from national governments have blighted the progress of the nuclear industry since its foundation.
Stay Home, Blame Cars, Save Lives
There is an increasing tendency to examine forensically the minutiae of a case in order to find a way to apportion liability. We find it difficult to accept the reality of accidents.
Corroding the Curriculum
Parents and teachers would be horrified to find political parties in schools pushing partisan agendas, but seem happy for environmental lobbyists to hand out leaflets, write lesson plans, and prepare coursework.
Companies’ Proper Gander into Design Education
The Design Council’s virtue-signalling provides a good illustration of the capture of craftsmanship by the fad for sustainable goals.
Liberty has its Limits
To claim freedoms we must use those freedoms with judgement, foresight, and awareness about the consequences of our actions for others.
Albert, the king maker
We all know about the infiltration of Stonewall into public organisations but who knew that media organisations had also been hijacked on environmental issues?
The problem with “Gender Bias”
… despite the survey also showing that 94% of respondents thought that “children should grow up to be whatever they want.”
Not much COP
If it really is one minute to midnight, then we really are in trouble because COP26 has achieved absolutely nothing… except contributing to the problem of C02 emissions.
We, the self-appointed, unelected mob of right-thinking people who speak on behalf of the majority, demand:
Book Bites: “How To Avoid A Climate Disaster” by Bill Gates
Bill Gates offers little by way of explanation as to why people might choose the more expensive green alternative, implying that they might have to be imposed.